Building Inspection


Inspection Ready is the Department of Buildings’ (DOB) latest creation for transparency on all jobs filed with their agency. It is an online scheduling and routing system that went live on December 7, 2015. Once it went live scheduling inspections the old fashioned way (in person or by phone) was no longer an option. In theory, it should make life easier for Plumbers, Contractors, Property Owners, Architects, and Engineers to close out their projects.

Right out of the gate, however, the system had and still has many flaws, a major one is the inability of the system to work with current versions of common internet browsers. Optimum browser requirements for Inspection Ready for Windows users is Internet Explorer 8 or 9 (released 2009 and 2011 respectively) and Safari 5 (released 2010) for Mac users. Another issue is that licensed professionals (LPs) and building owners did not get their PIN emailed to them prior to going live in order to register for this service, forcing many to head to the Borough offices to register.

With Inspection Ready, the goal of the DOB is to streamline inspections and sign-off for the following units:


-Builders Pavement Plans


-Cranes & Derricks



-House Connections



With Inspection Ready, anyone can view job records, inspection results and objections. Sign-off requests should be reviewed within 36 hours and results posted online.

Once all the kinks are worked out this system should accomplish all the DOB hoped it would. Good job on the planning. Poor job on implementation.

For anyone still having problems with Inspection Ready, give us a call. (718) 833-2333 or Email us at S & M Expediting has the resources to help maneuver this system.

Building Inspection