Track and Expedite Property Management Issues With Ease

Buildings Permits ExpeditedS & M Expediting has always offered excellent customized services for property managers and owners. If you own or manage a larger property with many units or a group of smaller 2- to 3-family properties, you know how difficult it can be to keep up with violations, construction and plumbing permits, open applications and job orders. But now, along with our owner representation and permit management services, we are putting the power to track and expedite your jobs in your hands with our new Job Tracking Services.

New in 2014, S&M Expediting now offers seamless project management software. Simply create and log in to your customer account to instantly view all your project information. With our new service you can now view from your computer or hand-held device:

  • Existing permit applications
  • Job orders
  • All submitted DOB forms
  • Violation statuses

Open Application Tracking

Contractors, engineers, plumbers and architects come in and out of your properties everyday. It’s up to you to make sure they are filing applications and closing job orders properly. Failure to do so can result in expensive and time-consuming problems with banks and mortgage companies when it comes time for a sale or a refinance.

Our new Open Application Tracking Service solves this problem for you. We’ll manage all open applications for you and also make sure all job orders are closed upon completion of all jobs. Then, keep track of everything from your online account.

Permit Tracking Services

We already offer this service to our network of contractors and are now extending it to property managers on a bigger scale. Imagine checking on all your contractors’ permit statuses across every unit and property by just logging into our site. It really is that easy.

Violation Tracking Services

As you know, owning and managing lots of buildings in New York City also means dealing with violations on an ongoing basis. From boiler and elevator inspection violations to major sanitation violations we’ll monitor and resolve all violations for you. We work with all city agencies including DOT, DOB, Sanitation, DEP, HPD, and Landmarks Preservation Commission. Our new program will also send you important alerts when it’s time to re-submit a permit so you can avoid violations in the first place.

Inspection Representation

Similar to our violation services, our expediters can also manage all your inspections for you. This process can take up hours of your week once you factor in phone calls and appointments. We’ll set up walk throughs, plumbing and sprinkler inspections, construction and PA (price of assembly) inspections as well as violation dismissal inspections. Let us do the legwork AND the face-time.

Plan Approval Filings

If you’re renovating, expanding, or significantly changing the interior of any of your properties, architects are needed and plans have to be drawn and submitted to the DOB. We work with a large network of licensed architects who can create plans for you that are designed with the DOB’s rules, codes, and regulations top of mind. And of course, we’ll take care of submitting them to the DOB so you don’t have to.

To create your online job tracking account, please call us at 718-833-2333.