Homes damaged by a hurricane Sandy

S & M Expediting to Offer 25% Hurricane Sandy Discount for Construction Filings

The Department of Buildings is waiving all application and permit fees relating to Hurricane Sandy construction. Regardless of the Hurricane Sandy Discount all service professionals are still required to file applications and permits through the DOB like normal.

S & M Expediting is offering a 25% Discount to those affected who can provide documented proof of their need. During these hard and unprecedented times S & M Expediting is here to help you. By helping in the relief efforts, we will take the headaches of permitting off your plate so you can concentrate on the important things.

Contractors, engineers, architects and plumbers registered with the DOB’s Hurricane Sandy Rapid Repairs program, are urged to contact us for more information regarding our permit expediting discounts. Permits such as plumbing Emergency Work Notices and other filings related to the storm are also covered by this discount.

DOB Fees Waived for Hurricane Sandy; Filing Still Required

Hurricane Sandy DOB Fees waived in NYC

This past week, Mayor Bloomberg and the Department of Buildings waived all permit and application fees for Hurricane Sandy–related repair work. Specifically, the fee waiver applies to buildings with significant structural damage in need of demolition, altercation, and restoration permits.

Structures requiring electrical and plumbing systems repairs are also included in the fee waiver. The waiver is in effect until further notice. To expedite the repair process even further, the DOB will be assessing properties with red, yellow, and green placards based on severity of damage and access restrictions.

Contractors: Get Registered for Hurricane Sandy Rapid Repairs Program

NYC Contractors can Register Here

If you are a New York State licensed and insured contractor and you want to register to partner with the city on their Hurricane Sandy Rapid Repairs program follow this link.

Once you are registered, you’ll be entered into the Rapid Repair system as a contractor available to perform assessments and repairs on red, green and yellow placard properties; or properties affected by Sandy without any placards whose owners have also registered for the program.

According to Bloomberg’s announcement, “contractors will be given responsibility   for an area hard hit by Sandy.” This approach will allow for streamlined FEMA payments to contractors, sub-contractors, carpenters, plumbers, etc.

Homeowners can apply at one of the city’s restoration centers, which can be found at or by calling 311. A FEMA ID is required for the program, and those are available at