COVID-19 Violations

Avoid COVID-19 state and city violations during Phase 1 restart. Department of Buildings (DOB) inspectors will be issuing covid-19 related violations starting July 8, 2020. Inspectors will look for job sites that are not in compliance with Covid-19 state/city Phase 1 restart requirements. Penalties of $5000.00 will be doled out for any violations found. The site may be issued a Stop Work Order. Penalties for continued non-compliance can be as high as $10K for each offense. 

Job sites will be issued Stop Work Orders if they are without a Safety Plan or a State affirmation conspicuously posted. Stop Work Orders can also be given out for not having a proper hand washing station, therefore DOB inspectors will look for compliance with the following: 

– Compliance with all social distancing protocols
– Appropriate face coverings worn by all site personnel and visitors
– Readily available hand hygiene stations which must have soap, running water and paper towels. Alcohol based hand sanitizers in lieu of hygiene stations are also acceptable.
– Visibly posted Covid-19 signage to remind all personnel to follow the proper hygiene and social distancing rules. Signs that show appropriate use of PPE and cleaning and disinfecting protocol.
– Properly completed and updated cleaning and disinfection logs
– Capacity signage at confined spaces, must be posted within the cab and at each landing.
– A communication plan for employees, visitors, and clients on site.
– Completed and updated logs. These logs must list each person on the site to ensure effective contact tracing.