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The place for all the News and updates to NYC Building codes, permits and expediting. An informative area to expand your knowledge of the arcane Department of Buildings regulations and licensing requirements.
December 13, 2017
What Is A Letter of No Objection and When Is One Required?
Letter of No Objection in NYC In the City of New York, in order for a building to be legally occupied the building must first have a Certificate of Occupancy (CO). The CO must state a building’s legal use and type of permitted occupancy. New buildings must have a CO. Older, pre-existing buildings may not have a CO if built prior to 1938. Those older building may file for a Letter of No Objection
If you have an unfinished basement in your one- or two- family home, you may be wondering what you could do with the available space. Perhaps a basement conversion / renovation has crossed your mind, but how would you even get started? As with any other project that require compliance with the department of buildings , S&M Expediting can guide you through it. If you’re on the fence about basement conversion, below is an overview of
November 19, 2016
Construction Permits for Your House or Apartment
When Do You Need a Construction Permit for Your Apartment or House? You need a construction permit when you construct, alter or change the use of the building or structure of the building. There are a lot of different types of permits that encompass construction, boiler, elevator and plumbing. To learn more about what type of permit you need continue reading below. General Process of Obtaining a Permit -Hire a licensed professional to file plans
Energy conservation awareness is one of the most important concepts in every aspect of modern living. When it comes to major cities and construction, so-called “green” issues aren’t at the fringe – they’re right at center stage. Energy efficiency isn’t just a nice idea that makes you feel good. It’s a core business principal. Energy efficiency saves huge costs in the long run, as well as protecting the environment, and buyers are looking carefully at
October 5, 2016
New York City’s DOB NOW
DOB NOW formerly known as Inspection Ready has been around since last December. At S&M Expediting we understand that it can be difficult to navigate the system and we are here to help you with your inspections and any permits assistance you may need. To get started we have provided a little information about DOB NOW. Please give us a call if you would like help with construction regulations. Getting anything done in New York