Contractor Insurance Update

Insurance update (Service Update)

Insurance Update
Insurance Update

Attention Contractors, Plumbers, Fire Suppression Contractors and Electricians. Insurance Update change.

Beginning on January 2, 2018, the Department of Buildings Licensing unit will no longer accept insurance submission at the counter.  All insurance updates and new tracking number issuance will be done electronically. S&M Expediting can still provide this assistance when required.

Electronic Insurance Certificate Submission

Effective January 2, 2018, license and registration holders must submit their business insurance certificates electronically. Insurance updates for General Contractors, Safety Registrations, and Tracking number insurance updates will no longer be processed at the Licensing counter. Insurance updates will be processed within three (3) business days. Your submission must comply with the following: NOTE: Pictures of insurance certificates will not be accepted. Multiple submissions will delay the process. The Licensing Insurance Guidelines for license/registrant holders can be found in the Department’s website on the Licensing & Exams page.